The UCC Women’s Guild is comprised of any and all women of the UCC who want to help plan and coordinate our many annual fundraising events. They are an integral part of our congregation. The Women’s Guild serves as the means by which the women of the congregation may speak and act as a unit, to support the work of existing church organizations and to support acts of good will among civic and social agencies of the community. The Guild’s aim is to unite the women and girls of the Church in the dedication of their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ for His Kingdom through worship, fellowship and service.


February – Sundae Sunday

March – Women’s Community Luncheon w/Entertainment

March/April – Spring Bake Sales

April – Quilt Retreat

October – Fall Harvest Baked Potato Bar and Cake Walk

December – Holiday Cookie Walk & Candy Sale

December – Frosty’s Workshop

Our Women’s Guild Chairperson hosts a Quilt & Craft Group Workshop on Wednesdays mornings from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Everybody is welcome to come on down and bring any craft or quilt project you want to work on to the church and join other crafters for some time of creativity and fellowship! If you really enjoy quilting be sure to check out our 3 day Quilt Retreat at our church in April! Enjoy crafting time, food, games, prizes, contests and some good ole fashioned fellowship!

The Prayer Chain–An Exciting Ministry!
Are you looking for a way to be involved in a ministry in your congregation? Here is your chance to do something for the Lord and your church. You don’t need any special talents or a lot of time. You won’t be required to teach or prepare a lesson. You need not attend special meetings. All you need to be able to do is pray–and we can all do that.
What is a prayer chain?
A prayer chain is a specific type of prayer ministry. It consists of a group of people willing to take time to pray when the chain is “activated.”
How does it work?
Simply give me your name and email address and I can add you to our Prayer Chain Email Group at the UCC. When someone notifies the church office or the Pastor directly, an email is sent out to every member of the Prayer Chain Ministry. If you don’t have email, please supply your name and telephone number and you will be called with the necessary info to begin your prayers.
How much time will it require?
Committing to a prayer chain requires very little time. It may require you to make a phone call to other chain members. It also requires you to pray as you continue with your normal activities. It does not require going to meetings, you merely pray for the need when called and then as the day progresses: at meals with your family, in your daily devotional time, as you are driving in your car, etc.
What is the purpose?
The purpose of a prayer chain is to give each member of the congregation an immediate access to the prayers and support of the members of the chain. It is often a great comfort to those in need to know you are in the thoughts and prayers of others.
Why should we have a prayer chain?
Although a prayer chain of this form is not specifically mentioned in scripture, I believe it provides a way to fulfill Christian duties that are mentioned. We are to “… pray for one another,” James 5:16; “bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ,” Galations 6:2; “pray without ceasing,” I Thes. 5:17. These are only a few of the many verses with similar instructions. A prayer chain offers one opportunity to carry out these commands.

If you are currently not part of our Prayer Chain and you would like to be, please contact us below with a message to add you to our email chain. Also use the form below to submit our Prayer Requests…….Thanks!